Today was the first of a somewhat normal day. We took a tour of the 'Casco Antiguo' in Oviedo with the students. The casco antiguo just means the old part of town. It began to rain while we were walking! I think the students are becoming accustomed to the weather. Rain, sun, rain, sun, clouds, sun, fog, rain, sun, humidity. We have our fingers crossed for our first excursion to the mountains on Friday. We had short classes to introduce our classes and give some homework :). In the afternoon, we began preparations for the farewell show for the host families. Below are two photos. The first is of the host family orientation. To see more photos, go to Robert's photo site: I will put this site up on the page blog site somehow so it is easier to access. Unfortunately, we don't have photos of each student with his or her family. We won't see the families again for a while so we won't be able get photos for you! In this photo, the students are sitting with their host families!
Laura, Thank you so much for sharing these with us..It makes the transition easy for us at home too. Just wonderful!..Tyler's Aunt Kiki