Happy 4th of July!
We celebrated the 4th of July today by decorating the main classroom and playing the national anthem and with fireworks on the overhead projector as the students walked in. We said the pledge of allegiance in Spanish and then played a few games in the classroom. First, in groups, the students had to fill the map with states and capitals as fast as possible. Then, the students translated the national anthem into Spanish and had to sing it with their groups. We went outside to play a game called Caterpillar. You can see Valeria all dressed up as a caterpillar in one of the pictures below. We played a few water balloon games and then did a group-building activity. Finally (my favorite), Nicole suggested a game she had played before in which the kids are each assigned one of four possible animals. They have to get on all fours and close their eyes and make their animal's sound to find other animals of their kind. We laughed and laughed with this game. Robert shot some video of it!
The lunch we had was amazing! The people that run the kitchen in the school went all out. We had hamburgers (literally made of ham), hotdogs, tuna salad sandwiches, french fries, AND pizza! Finally, we had a chocolate cake decorated like the American flag.
In the afternoon, we had about an hour of sports and then we celebrated the birthday of one of the host family´s sons (Jesus, son of Fernanda, brother of Rebecca and Emma).
Below are some photos. Robert´s site has some, also. Don´t forget about the Eurocup folder and the Santiago folder, there should be some new photos in there!
P.S. Remember how I told you about the Pimientos de Padron: some are spicy and others are not?? I saw a t-shirt today with the phrase translated from Spanish into English. It said: "Ones are spicy and others don't".
And I can't resist showing you this picture.............
Absolutely loved this reading. The pictures are amazing. You & Robert have kept us so informed and we appreciate it so very much. The school was so thoughtful to celebrate the 4th for the students. I think it brought a little bit of home to them all.